Exodus does not have a hold policy. There is no HOLD POLICY. There is no mechanism in place to hold production. The magic of the newsletter is consistency.

(Click Image or here to see the entire Order Form and Subscription Agreement)

Subscription Agreement


ALL newsletter changes or cancellations MUST be submitted BEFORE the issue deadline (the 1st of the month for the following month’s issue). Meaning, on the 1st of the month THE DEADLINE HAS PASSED. If no changes are submitted, newsletter personalization will remain AS-IS in accordance with the SUBSCRIBER’S previous issue. (Also found in the Subscription Agreement, Section 4. Click Here to see the Entire Subscription Agreement)

A more detailed understanding of the newsletter deadlines.

The deadline is always the first of the month for the following month's issue. We're always producing next month's issue so January's newsletter is produced in the month of December. In order to produce the correct amount of newsletters for your account, there must be a point in time when the count reference has a definitive number. So when the clock strikes 12:00: 01 am on December 1st. The deadline has been passed and the number of newsletters plus any extras are calculated at that moment and sent to the billing system. The passing of the deadline also initiates or commodities order and the newsletter shell production starts.

Adding Addresses to your mailing list after the deadline.

If you add mailing addresses to your list AFTER the deadline, we will do all that we can to include the additions into that production set. If you take addresses off your mailing list AFTER the deadline, those changes affect the next issue as it's impossible to maintain production accuracy with lists going down or up and down. It's not a problem to add but to take away is not possible during production. Consequently, depending on where your newsletters are in production, we can't always get the additions added. If they are added, you'll see a charge for the additional addresses. Additional charges are NOT always charged the same day and you may see them in the last week of the month.