Once you've submitted personalization or used our Content Help, the layout of your personalization is completed by the layout department. You'll receive an email that looks similar to this. (Click any image to expand)
Clicking the link will take you to the login page and then directly to the Alerts Page.
Once on the Alerts page there's 3 items of interest.
- The link to the PDF (See image below) that will allow you to see exactly how your newsletter personalization layout will look on your newsletter
- The Green "Approved" icon (click to approve)
- The Red "Rejected" icon (click to reject)
Clicking the Green "Approved" Icon will signify your approval of the layout and that is the personalization that goes to print.
Clicking the Red "Rejected" Icon will signify you reject the personalization and you are taken back to the Personalization tab so you can make the changes you want to make to the text areas of the personalization. Our layout department is aware of your rejection and awaits your additional changes. Once you submit those changes, the process repeats until it is approved.
Also Note: When you click the green "Approved" Icon, a copy of the approved proof will be available on the "Previous Issue Approves" located on the Dashboard Tab.